Arnoglossum album L.C.Anderson

3l3 1)5
Arnoglos sum album	l . c. Anderson
BAY CO.» Frequent in moist loamy sand of wet road-
side depression and open borders of cutover pine
flatwoods with "shrubby remnants" of Myrica, Nyssa,
Salix, Ifelriodendron, Magnolia virginiana, and Ilex
coriacea, 0.5 mi E of Burnt Mills Creek bridge on S
side si Rte 388, ca. 6.5 air mi WNW of Southport.
T2S, R15W, NWl/4 of SWl/4 Sec
20 June 1995
Loran C. Anderson no. 15,600
Florida State University Herbarium