Arnoglossum album L.C.Anderson

Arnoglossum album l.c.Anderson
[SIDA 18:378, 1998]
GULF CO.! Frequent in moist loamy sand of small some-
what disturbed savanna (some tree stumps + shrub
encroachment, 5.3 mi S of Rte 22 on Daniels Rd on E
side near Wetappo Creek, ca. 5.5 ail? mi tfSW of Wewa-
hitchka. T5S. RllW, NE1/4 of SW1/4 Sec V.
Sheet 1 of 2 (top of plant)	29	June	1989
Loran C. Anderson no. 12,137
Florida State Univ/ Herbarium + BRIT, FLAS, GH, MO, NY, us