Archibaccharis hirtella (DC.) Heering

  • Filed As

    Archibaccharis hirtella (DC.) Heering

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04266529

    Occurrence ID: b2f1a048-75e1-45e7-a9c2-2c6e7b9191ec

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Compositae: Astereae
Archibaccharis hirtella (DC.) Heering
Det. H.E. Robinson, 2017
Chiapas: Along road from San Cristobal de las Casas to Ocosingo;
about 4.5 km east of Oxchuc.
16° 48' 40" Nx 92° 18' 27" W; Elevation: 1974 m.
Disturbed secondary vegetation along roadside. Scandent shrub > 5 m
long; involucre green; corollas white.
P. Acevedo-Rodriguez 16415	18 Sep 2016
with H. Medeiros, M. Pace and A. Pérez R.
Acq. #2081588
Supported by the Global Genomic Initiative, Smithsonian Institution
Specimens preserved in 65% ETOH before dry ing
EZID= d572f95-e61 b-48f0-aac4-7b 1 ec222cb4b