Endlicheria griseosericea Chanderbali

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    Endlicheria griseosericea Chanderbali

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04263543

    Occurrence ID: d23a1ca8-1e2b-4cfd-971c-cd3786b8e644

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Funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute. In collaboration with
Herbario QCft.
cf. Endlicheria griseo-sericea
Det. A. Chanderbali, SOOl
Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium (MO)
The New York Botanical Garden
B. Boom & D. Beardsley	20 Mar 1988
Plants of Ecuador
No. 8449	Lauraceae
Endlicheria sericea Nees
det: H. van der Werff, 1988
Pastaza Province. Via Anzu, N of Mera.
1°2CTS, 78°10'W. Premontane forest. 1100 m
elev. Voucher for National Cancer Institute
Sample. Bag(s) No: 41(leaves), 42(wood),
43(stems), 44(bazfe).
Tree. 10 m tall. 15 cm DBH. Fruits green with
red receptacles.