Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'

The New York Botanical Garden
Anemone * hybrida (Hort exL. H. Bailey) Makino Honorine Jobert ’
Det. R. Cittadini, 2019
United States. New York: Bronx County. Bronx. NYBG, exiting west
off Azalea Way, opposite the Thain Family Forest, up the main path
towards the summit of Azalea Garden. +40°51 ’86”, -73°52’41. Dappled
sun, part shade. Moist soil, a deep layer of organic matter, cooler
temperatures on slope. Some rocks jutting from the slope of the summit.
Overstory: Ulmus Americana, Liriodendron tulipifera, Uquidambar
styraciflua, Quercus rubra, Carya sp.
Single petalled, white inflorescence, planted in mass surrounded by other
A. x hybrida cultivars and woodland ferns. Damage to petals from insects
and rain. Insect larvae casts on leaves.
894/2010*B; leaves, stem, inflorescence, rhizome.
Rebecca Cittadini 10 2- Z-
27 SEP 2019