Plectritis macrocera var. grayi (Suksd.) Dyal

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    Plectritis macrocera var. grayi (Suksd.) Dyal

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4235432

    Occurrence ID: ee90b81b-4e29-4221-b100-d575d2b310e5

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Plectritis macrocera T. & G.
ssp. grayii (Suksd. ) Morey
D. Morey	1958
Herbarium of the State College of Washington, Pullman
Valerianella maorocera (T. & G.) Gray
corolla white to pale pink; thin soil,
on flat with Artemisia & Opuntia, north
side of Snake River* 3 miles east of
Indian, Upper Sonoran Zone,
Whitman County,
L. Constance &
R. C, Rollins, 996.	March 23, 1935.