Plectritis macrocera var. collina (A.Heller) Dyal

  • Filed As

    Plectritis macrocera var. collina (A.Heller) Dyal

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4235361

    Occurrence ID: aeab3b12-8953-4035-9c1f-9d6c3ecf0d2d

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Plectritis mac rocera T. & G.
SSP* gra-yii (Suksd. ) Morey
D. Morey	1958
Herbarium of Thb Statb Collegb of Washington, Pullman
Plectritis macrocera T* & Gr*
yiA,SCO CO*: Gravelly, basaltic south slope
in small side-canyon to Deschutes River just
?west and south of Sherar*s Bridge, 8 miles
east of Tygh Yalley, Twp. 4 S., R. 14 E*
Corolla very faintly tinted with pink-
Arthur Cronquist 6157	April 4, 1950