Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nyl.) Tibell

  • Filed As

    Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nyl.) Tibell

  • Collector(s)

    E. A. Tripp 9489 with with James Lendemer, 13 Jan 2019

  • Location

    United States of America. Georgia. Union Co. Chattahoochee National Forest, E-facing slopes between Chestnut Knob and Fisher Knob, above FSR118B ~1.0 mi NE of jct w/ FSR118/Helton Creek Rd.

  • Habitat

    mixed hardwood (Acer, Betula lenta, Carya, Liriodendron, Oxydendrum, Robinia, Quercus alba, Q. rubra, Q. prinus)- conifer (Pinus strobus) forest with Kalmia understory and remnant large trees. fungicolous on Trichaptum biforme.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04116976

    Occurrence ID: 57af9d62-a73a-4ef8-aed0-ec0951626f42

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Union Co.

  • Locality

    Chattahoochee National Forest, E-facing slopes between Chestnut Knob and Fisher Knob, above FSR118B ~1.0 mi NE of jct w/ FSR118/Helton Creek Rd.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 810 m. (2657 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    34.757, -83.8957

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Lichens of Georgia
Phaeocalicium polyporaeum (Nyl.) Tibell
Det. E. Tripp, 13 January 2019
USA, Georgia, Union County: Chattahoochee National Forest, E-
facing slopes between Chestnut Knob and Fisher Knob, above
FSR118B ~1.0 mi NE of jet w/ FSR118/Helton Creek Rd.; Mixed
hardwood (Acer, Betula lenta, Carya, Liriodendron, Oxydendrum,
Robinia, Quercus alba, Q. rubra, Q. prinus)-conifer (Pinus strobus)
forest with Kalmia understory and remnant large trees. 34.75698°,
-83.89566°. 2657 ft. elevation, fungicolous on Trichaptum biforme.
Erin Tripp #9489	13 January 2019
w/ James Lendemer
University of Colorado Herbarium (COLO)