Dirca palustris L.

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    Dirca palustris L.

Shrubs to 1 m. tall; this colony has never been seen to
produce fruits during 40 years of observation# Wood soft;
bark fibrous, tough. These plants are more robust than
those on the other side of the fence on another property
where cessation of grazing about IS years ago led to a
dense young stand of trees and that part of the colony
(collected before and vouchers at WIS) now consisting of
scattered and very weak small shrubs. Voucher for bulk
medicinal screening by Pfizer: 43706a PX (Nee-335).
Coll.; M. Nee 43706	9 Aug. 1993
Wisconsin, Richland Co., 3 miles SE of Richland
Center. T 10 N; R 1 E; NE^SEi sect. 26. Slopes
and ridgetop, formerly pastured, now reverting
to forest of Carya cordiformis, Tilia americana,
Ostrva virginiana.