Impatiens x pacifica Zika

Impatiens xpacifica Zika Balsaminaceae
I. capensis x ecalcarata
Nodding pale yellow-orange flowers, no
spots, with spur, succulent annual, stems
slightly glaucous; common, partly shaded wet
thickets, with Phalaris arundinacea,
Impatiens capensis, Comus sericea, Athyrium
filix-femina, below and NE of Route 409, by
bridge, S shore of Cathlamet Channel, Puget
Island, N side of Columbia River, elev. 2 m,
46° 11.4' N, 123° 22.9' W; T8N R6W Sll
Coll. Peter F. Zika 19178 30 Sept 2003