Ceratiola ericoides Michx.

1365. Ceratiola ericoides Michx.
FI. Bor.-Am. ii. 222 (l803); Pursh, FI. Am. Sept. 21,
t. 13 (1814); Hook, in Bot. Mag. liv. t. 2758 (l827>;
Chapm. FI. So. U.S. 411 (i860); A. DC. in DC. Prod,
xvi. pt. 1, 27 (1869); Small, FI. Se. U.S. 725 (1903) et
Man. Se. FI. 807 (l933).
Syn. C. falcatula Gandoger in Bull. Soc. Bot. France,
lxvi. 232 (1919).
Evergreen shrub 1.2 m. tall; flowers yellow with brilliant styles
in the pistillate; stamens bright red-orange; stems extremely
brittle; staminàte plants less compact than pistillate.
Edges of sandy outcrops covered with Pinns echinata,
Camp Murphy, 5 miles north of Jupiter, Palm Beach
County, Florida.
Coll. R. A. Howard (no. 8050)	December 14, 1945