Ceratiola ericoides Michx.

FLORIDA: Collier Co.
Ceratiola ericoides Michaux
Slenderly, densely, and strictly-ascending branched 15-25 dm
tall, dark green shrubs, abundantly scattered in open oak-pine
(Quercus - Pinus) scrub with scattered Lyonia ferruginea. on
white sand.
Upland ridge ca 2 km inland from Gulf of Mexico. Corner of
hwy US 41 and N-most Bay Colony entrance (Pelican Bay
Blvd.), ca 10 km N of Naples (about to be destroyed by housing
Alt. ca 6 m	12 March 1993
Vouchers for wood samples:
Hugh H. litis	(No. 31072 (female)^
No. 31073 (male)