Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal

Det: S.R. Hill, (ILLS) 2006
CASS COUNTY 39.961 ° N. Lat., 90.480 ° W. Long.
T.17N., R.12W., NW/4 Sect. 5. Beardstown; West of
US Rt. 67, along powerline right-of-way along sand
ridge south of Bergen Road, Arenzville West 7.5 min.
quadrangle. Coordinate datum WGS 84 / NAD 83.
Sand forest understory alongside sand prairie remnant
margin and cropland; with Fraxinus pennsylvanica
var. subintegerrima. Locally common at northwest
comer of forest strip, fruit green, pendulous, immature;
colonial tree 4 meters tall.
Steven R. Hill 36963 14 July 2006