Solanum endoadenium Bitter

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The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Solanaceae Solarium endoadenium Bitter
det. M. Nee, 2011
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande, 8.7 km (by air),
17.5 km (by road) NE of Pucará on road to Vallegrande.
18°39’15”S, 64°07’54”W. alt. 2820 m.
Slope near rocky ridgetop, among the highest points on this
road, grazed and disturbed woodland, with Myrtaceae.
Slender shrublets 1-2 m. tall. Corolla blue-purple; anthers
Coll.: M. Nee & J. M. Mendoza F. 57691 5 Jan. 2011