Meliosma herbertii Rolfe

Material examinado para a Revisáo taxonómica de
Sabiaceae Blume para o Neotrópico
Eliana Ramos	Nov /2011
i id
University of Oxford
Flora of Grenada
Family: Sabiaceae
Name:	Meliosma herbertii Rolfe
Locality: Grenada, St. Andrew, Grand Etang, road near crater
12°06' N, 61°42' W
Notes: Tree 9 m tall. BARK: smooth. S>LASH: soft, fibrous,
outer layer dark, inner layer pale pink turfiing rusty
orange with a rusty orange exudate, sapwood white.
LEAVES: bullate, leathery; US midrib and
secondaries channelled. FLOWERS: buds white.
(RHS colour code: Leaf upper =146A, below=146B)
Collector: Hawthorne, W. D., Cable, S. & Jules, D.
Number: 620
Date:	22 June 2001
Distribution: FHO