Solanum amygdalifolium Steud.

The. New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Solanaceae Solarium amygdalifolium Steud.
det. M.Nee, 2010
DEPTO. SANTA Cruz, Prov. Wames, along highway on E
side of Okinawa, 1.3 E of ± center of Okinawa,
17°13’07”S, 62°53’23”W. alt. 280 m.
Very flat, weedy areas around roadside ditch and edge of
properties, with Trichilia stellatotomentosa.
Viny on fence. Showy but appears not to have been planted.
Corolla blue-violet.
Coll.: M.Nee 56660	8Nov. 2009