Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.

Herbarium Pacíficum (BISH)
Hawaiian Islands
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.
Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden, on hillside at beginning of African
section, adjacent to road.
Mesic lowland botanical garden setting. 10-15 ft. tall tree, most
branches fruiting, the unripe fruits green, no flowers present.
Latex thick, white. Young shoots slightly 4-angled.Older
branches with longitudinal slits that sometimes open to become
torn gaps/holes. No seedlings, saplings, or mature trees noted
along nearby roads or trails. Cultivated. This species has
become invasive in the Kohala region of the Big Island. This is
the only known locality on O'ahu. Garden staff plan to remove it
from the collection.
Coll. 2009060901
Det. OED BISH jun.2009
Accession: 2009.002
BISH 741561