Tabernaemontana catharinensis A.DC.
Filed As
Tabernaemontana catharinensis A.DC. -
NY Barcode: 4190739
Occurrence ID: caf66f79-4ffd-41fd-82a7-b5e579934da3
All Determinations
Location Notes
[South America]
T Tabernaemontana australis, Muell. Arg. in Mart. FI. Bras., vi, pt. 1, 84. Ex descr. Trinidad (2TB). December-January. = Balansa 1358. A small tree 6-8 m. in height, very interesting on many accounts, j It has a milky juice, and smooth, light-colored bark Flowers rather small, as white as snow, fragrant, the tube of the corolla of a yel- lowish tint, 5-angled, bulging outwardly near the centre, the snowy lobes large, rounded at apex, oblique at base, and curving around I each other convolutely from left to right like a boy’s paper wind- ! mill. .Ovary of 2 closely united carpels, forming in fruit" 2 follicles, 1 firmly attached at the base. Follicles large, very milky when young, one-eelled, with a thick rind which is rough on the outside with knobby protuberances. Seeds when young with an egg-shaped, pellucid, striped body on orie side, and a crumpled body looking like the meat of an English walnut on the other side. In fruit the follicles dehisce laterally in 2 valves, spreading wide open, the crumpled body spoken of above becoming a red aril, which finally drops off, leaving in the shell many dark seeds which resemble the | coffee berry in appearance. The people show their appreciation of this handsome tree by planting it in their flower-gardens. The i G-uarani name is Gurupicay. The viscous, milky juice is said to I yield caoutchouc, and is used as a bird lime. The wood is light and sometimes employed as a substitute for cork. Parodi states that the juice is used by quacks on wounds and as a remedy for ; snake-bites. He thinks that it may serve as a substitute for i Aconite and Rhus Toxicodendron, and is good as a corrosive for | warts. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 04190739 / CyO ¿/i; oA Det 7JI 198 V PLANTS OF SOUTH AMERICA. Collected by Thos. Morong, 1888-1890. Central Paraguay. C'<2yt 04190739
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Tabernaemontana catharinensis A.DC.