Allophylus myrianthus Radlk.

Allophylus myrianthus Radll^ofer
T.D. Pennington 1994
U.S. National Herbarium
det' ¿octLa, di'S G.JiH.u* 13
W. H. Camp, No. E- i4.i4.IO	27-Aug. 12 fcxkagKi#, 1945
Allophyllus myrianthus Radik,
det. T. D. Pennington, 1979
Trees k m. Lvs alternate, coriaceous, deep green above;
yellow-green below. Fruit sphero-pyriform, the surface
minutely rough-papillate.
PROV. AZUAY: The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km. north of the village of Se-
villa de Oro; 8,000-9,000 ft. elev.
Distributed by the New York Botanical Garden