Solanum carolinense L.

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    Solanum carolinense L.

Solanaceae Solanum carolinense L.
det. M. Nee, 2018
WISCONSIN, Crawford Co., 0.4 km NE of Bell Center,
parking area at DNR public hunting grounds above Sand
T 10 N; R 4 W; SWV45WV4 sect. 35.
43° 17’40”N, 90°49’25”W. alt. 225 m.
Old field or pasture, grassy area with Agropyron repens,
Solidago spp., Solanum carolinense, Ambrosia trifida, A.
artemisiifolia, with some invasion of trees and shrubs, Acer
negundo, Zanthoxylum americanum, Vitis riparia.
Forming loose patches; stems to 60 cm. tall. Flowers buzzed
by bumblebees. Corolla white or pale violet, depending both
on stage of development (the corolla may be violet on
outside when in bud, but the open flower face white) and on
the particular clone here. Anthers yellow.
Coll.: M. H. Nee 64486	29 August 2018
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)