Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.) Bedd.

  • Filed As

    Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.) Bedd.

  • Collector(s)

    A. D. E. Elmer 9025, May 1907

  • Location

    Philippines. Quezon. Lucban Mun.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4180443

    Occurrence ID: ca655573-4c3c-4aad-85e7-0353101d15ac

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  • County/Municipio

    Lucban Mun.

  • Location Notes


  • Distribution

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9025. Stenoehlaena palustria (Burm.) Bedd. In damp
submarshy woods or jungles« scandent up to 6 meters and form-
ing dense tangled bushes; fronds descending, rather rigid, ea-
sily breaking and subsc«rij|u8 in texture, equally shining
green on both sides; stipes smooth green sx fcsttt nit or glau-
cous greem toward the base, rigid and breaking with a snap;
rootstocks ramifying all around the stems of its support,
hard, rigid, the Jfise of ordinary lead oencils, glaucous green;
quite common in certaim localities bu^ ptherwise not noticed
the spore jftiylls aré usually smaller and on top of the bush;
Luoban. May, 1907. WMETt'S FIELD NÓTÉS
Locality LUOban
Province Tayabas	Island buzoü
Number, col-	r-
lector and dató. 7 O ^ t) A. D. E. Blmer, May,l907. '