Stenochlaena tenuifolia (Desv.) T.Moore

  • Filed As

    Stenochlaena tenuifolia (Desv.) T.Moore

  • Collector(s)

    B. W. Miles s.n., 09 Jul 1933

  • Location

    United States of America. Florida. Near Tampa.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4180325

    Occurrence ID: 2fbf1429-1407-4579-8d90-8e3d855a724d

  • Feedback

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May 14th 1935
jm	I nlVlrni r UM.
My dear Dr.Small, -
At last after oyer nine years this Stenoch-
laena palustris has produced some fruiting fronds* I am
inclosing a little piece of one, and when you tell me just
how you want the fine fond sent to you, I will send it*
The most perfect one is abfcut 20 inches long, and looks
very much like an ostrich feather that has been wet.
The spores are still green on the large frond,
and I thought best to write you first before cutting it,
thinking you might prefer the fully developed frond with
the spores showing like this little piece.
This fern I have learned came into Florida
nearly 40 years ago, from Santiago Cuba, where the lady
who brought it into Florida used to live* The one now
fruiting was given to the owner by the daughter of the
original owner, who lived near the Hillsboro River, and
from whose plant the plants that were growing on the
river must have sprung. The city later made a dumping
ground of the location, and so the original plants were
lost, but several ladies have plants growing in their
gardens, the largest being in the garden of Mrs Mackintosh
on the Hillsboro River, and this one that is the first to
produce the fruit, is in Mrs Henry Brash1s garden,up on
the Hillsboro Heights section of the city*
Best wishes*
Sincerely yours *
Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden
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