Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf.

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Iowa
Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf.
Ringgold County: T67N R29W Section 13 SE4 NW4 NE4 SE4
UTM (NAD83, 15T): 404159 East, 4495126 North
Ringgold Wildlife Management Area is owned by the Iowa DNR and
approximately 8.75 miles southeast of Mt Ayr. A disturbed, average to below
average quality, 8+ acre mesic tallgrass prairie (crop ground until the late
1960's or early 1970's according to Mel Moe, district wildlife biologist. Prairie
plants moved in from the edges after plowing ceased, increasing in part due to
fire management) occurs north of an artificial pond. The soil is mapped as
Gara loam, 9 to 14 percent slopes, moderately eroded (179D2), a Mollic
Hapludalf. Ringgold WMA is on the Southern Iowa Drift Plain.
Spiranthes lacera is infrequent on a gentle, south-facing slope in the prairie.
The genets have flowers and fruits. Some genets have mostly fruits and a few
flowers, while others only have fruits. The petals and sepals are white. The lip
is white with a green center. The collection comes from below average quality
prairie. Spiranthes lacera is associated with Antennaria nealecta.
Chamaecrista fasciculata. Lespedeza ca pit at a. Polvaala verticillata. Polvaala
sanauinea. Scleria triqlomerata. Silphium laciniatum. Solidaoo nemoralis and
Sorohastrum nutans.
Mark J. Leoschke 2507	August 30, 2004
Mel Moe
Collected for the Wildlife Bureau, Iowa Department of Natural Resources