Mickelia oligarchica (Baker) R.C.Moran, Labiak & Sundue

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    Mickelia oligarchica (Baker) R.C.Moran, Labiak & Sundue

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4154843

    Occurrence ID: 779dfccc-afcd-43e0-8a8a-53c8fc9faf7e

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Monograph of Mickelia
Mickelia oligarchica (Baker) R. C. Moran, Labiak & Sundue
R. C. Moran (NY), P. Labiak (UPCB) & M. Sundue (NY), 2010
Collected by B. 011gaard» J. L. Luteyn, Scott A. Mori,
B. Boysen Larsen» B. Boon & A. R. Jensen
No. 38923	Dryopteridaceae
Bolbitis oligarchica (Baker)Hennipman
Det. B. 011gaard
Pjcov. NAPO:
Anangu. Rain forest on well drained hilly ground in
the Paraue Nacional Yasuni. Collections in the area
of the SEF project. Soil temperature 24-25 C.
(76°23»W 0°31-32'S) Alt. 260-350 m. 30 May - 21 June
Terrestrial. Along stream. In shade.
Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark (AAU). Project directed by LB.Holm-Nielsen and B.OIIgaard
In collaboration with P. Universidad Católica (QCA) and Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales (QNA), Quito.