Arachniodes denticulata (Sw.) Ching

  • Filed As

    Arachniodes denticulata (Sw.) Ching

  • Collector(s)

    B. K. Holst 3669, 27 Mar 1987

  • Location

    Venezuela. Bolívar. Dist. Piar. Aparaman-tepui, westernmost of 4 tepuis in the Aparaman range. Summit of highly eroded sandstone mesa; with crevices 20-30 m deep and tall rock columns.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4145446

    Occurrence ID: f8482b95-3810-4958-bd8a-ad12e92abbff

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Dist. Piar. Aparaman-tepui, westernmost of 4 tepuis in the Aparaman range. Summit of highly eroded sandstone mesa; with crevices 20-30 m deep and tall rock columns.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 2100 m. (6890 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    5.9, -62.12

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Plants pressed in 30-50% Isopropyl Alcohol
Funds provided by GEO Magazine, Germany, and Julian Steyermark
Logistical support provided By Terramar Foundation, Venezuela
Arachnoides denticulata (Sw.) Ching
det. A.R. Smith, 1987
EDO. BOLIVAR: Dist. Piar.
Aparaman-tepui> westernmost of 4 tepuis
in the Aparaman range. 2100 m. 5°54'Nr
6 2°07’W. Summit of highly eroded sand-
stone mesa; with crevices 20-30 m deep
and tall rock columns. Vegetation sparse
and low on the columns* small trees and
shrubs growing in crevices.
In deep shade on moss covered rocks.
27 March 1987
Bruce K. Holst 3669