Piper lanceolatum Ruiz & Pav.

  • Filed As

    Piper lanceolatum Ruiz & Pav.

  • Collector(s)

    H. H. Rusby 2178, Oct 1885

  • Location

    Bolivia. Unduavi.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4148820

    Occurrence ID: 7efb47f3-ef77-489b-8797-2bd5c81687e9

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[*• Piper lanceolatum Ruiz & Pav. FI. Per. 1: 36. pi. 61. 1798.
j (Plate XLIII).
Steffemia evonijmifolia Ivuuth in L'mnaea 13 : 624. 1839.
Artantke Brunoniana Miq. Syst. 509. 1844 ; Illust. Pip. pi. 87. 1846.
Piper nigro-graaulatuin Trel. in Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 7 : 224. 1927.
I A shrub, 1-3 m. tall: flowering internodes commonly 2-4 cm. long,
I andular-dotted, glabrous or microscopically puberulent ; leaves
I nceolate or lance-elliptic, with acuminate apex, narrowed down-
ward to the inequilaterally acute or sometimes somewhat rounded
Iise, one side commonly 2-3 mm. longer at the petiole, 2-5 cm. wide
1:8-15. cm. long, glandular dotted, the glands dark red to black,
I abrous above, the nerves beneath mostly minutely puberulent,
lying thin, translucent, pihnately nerved throughout, the nerves
lunmonly 7 to 9 on each side, submarginally loop-connected, sub-
rdinate nervules obscure; petiole 5-10 plus 2-3 mm. long, granular
I' microscopically puberulent, vaginate at the base; spikes 2-5 mm.
liick: 2-3 cm. long (yoang spikes may be only 1 cm. long), granular
r microscopically puberulent; bracts triangular-subpeltate, rather
Jirrowly marginally fringed ; fruit round ; stigmas 3, small, sessile.
I Type locality: Perú.
I Distribution: Perú and Bolivia.
I Bolivia: La Paz: TJñduavi, alt. 2400 m., Oct. 1885, Rusby 2178
|£Y; US): Yungas, Coroico, Sept. 1894, Bang 2431 (F; GH; iSY; >)
\LiHoa. Yxvil O^SS), 7, G,^ancfC&ir. -the.