Peperomia praeruptorum Trel.

Collection numbers 3887 . Size of set;	. Set 1, UC;
determiner's set, US . Duplicates: USM, US, F, NY^Sfi&pRpC
Univbrsity of California
Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963-1964
Director, Paul C. Hutchison
Additional field notes for 3887
Stems reddish^ leaves and inflorescences
pale green. Terrestrial in moss of leaf
mold at edge of forest in -wet places.
University of California
Seventh Botanical Garden Expedition to the Andes, 1963-1964
Director, Paul C. Hutchison
Peperania cf • praeruptorum Trel.
dupl. det. J. J. Wurdack, 1966
Between Rio Utcubamba and Pomacocha, km. 317.5 cast
of Olmos on Rioja road. Altitude 1810 m.
Province of Bongara, Department of Amazonas
Paul C. Hutchison 3887
J. Kenneth Weight	30 January ,964