Peperomia Ruiz & Pav.

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    Peperomia Ruiz & Pav.

The New York Botanical Garden
Peperomia sp.
det: Ricardo Callejas. 1985
lvs. longitudinally red-lined beneath,
stems with short red sheaths. on big rock
in shade.	S'htcklCs
a) Quercus—Pinus—Magnolia schiedeana
forests near base of mountain, with
occasional tree ferns (1100-1500 m).
Open Quercus or Quercus—Pinus (P^. oocarpa,
P. sp.) forest at lower elevations, with
many epiphytic orchids (Stanhopea inter-
media?) (1200-1500 m).
c) Quercus (many spp.)—Pinus (2 spp.)—
Carpinus caroliniana—Cornus sp. cloud
forest on very steep (45°) upperslopes
on W side of escarpment below saddle
("La Ventana"), with many epiphytic
mosses and gesneriads (Kohleria) (1800-
2460 m).
West slopes of Cerro San Miguel and the
much larger Cerro N of it (e.g. the central
segment of the Sierra de Manantldn) to just
below saddle ("La Ventana"). (19°31'30"-
19°32fN, 104°13,-104°16'30"W). Alt. 1100-
2460 m. 2-7 km ENE of EIL Durazno (ca. 20
km S of EL CHANTE) on trail to "La Ventana."
H. H. lit is	No. 468
R. Guzman M.
J. Doebley	22 September 1978
A. Lasseigne
Field work supported by National Science Foundation
Grant No. BM S74-21861, 0. N. Allen Herbarium Fund,
& The Research Committee, Graduate School, University
of Wisconsin-Madison.