Rubus parviflorus Nutt.

Rosaceae Rubus parviflor« Nutt,
det. M.Nee, 2018
MICHIGAN, Gogebic Co., 4.5 km. SSW of Black River
Harbor on Lake Michigan, along Co. Hwy 513 oppos.te (W
of) Forest Road 108 and parking area for Conglomerate
Falls trail.
46°37’59”N,90°03’57”W. alt. 355 m.
Forest of Acer saccharum, Tsuga canadensis, Betula
alleghaniensis, with open understory and a few shrubs of
Lonicera canadensis, Ribes cf. tristis, Rubus parviflora.
Forming a large colony, the stems erect, to 1.3 m. tall, not
or verv few-branched, 0.6 cm. in diameter, the pith wide,
very pale tan. Voucher for wood specimens at Kw, Lw,
MADw. Petals white.
Coll.: M.H. Nee 64233	6 June 2018
Missouri botanical Garden (MO)