Euonymus europaeus L.

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    Euonymus europaeus L.

Celastraceae Euonymus europaeus L.
det. M. Nee, 2018
WISCONSIN, Marathon Co., SW side of Spencer, around
municipal trash and compost site.
T 26 N; R 2 E; NWlASEiA sect. 7,
44°45’00”N, 90°18’29”W. alt. 400 m.
Flat, formerly an agricultural field and surrounded by
current agricultural fields, with Robinia pseudoacacia,
Viburnum lentago, Salix spp., Populus tremuloides\
Euonymus europaeus and Viburnum dentatum along
fencerow may have been planted.
Shrubs to 2.8 m. tall, in loose clump or colony of many
stems. Appears to be a casual escape. Voucher for wood
specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, RSAw, this stem 4 cm. in
diameter, ca. 18 years old. Flowers pale green.
Coll.: M. H. Nee 64248	6 June 2018
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)