Maxillaria floribunda Lindl.

  • Filed As

    Maxillaria floribunda Lindl.

  • Collector(s)

    P. E. Berry 125, 23 Jul 1974 - 28 Jul 1974

  • Location

    Venezuela. Zulia. Perijá. "Campamento Frontera VI", on tepuí-like sandstone ridge 4 x 0.5 - 1 km running E-W, east of the international border, between the headwaters of Río del Norte and southermost branch of Río Aricuaisa.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4104375

    Occurrence ID: 09f470d7-0753-4a37-afd7-38e9b3297202

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Perijá. "Campamento Frontera VI", on tepuí-like sandstone ridge 4 x 0.5 - 1 km running E-W, east of the international border, between the headwaters of Río del Norte and southermost branch of Río Aricuaisa

  • Elevation

    Alt. 2400 m. (7874 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    9.5, -73.1

  • Distribution

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The New York Botanical Garden
6- 0>i?A>£ÜAb' FfíH	X
Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría
Maxillaria	..
dtÁ. C.(M. JiMfc.'ile M
Terrestrial in low,mc&jlt, thick vegetation; leaves
coriaceous, new ones green-brown, sub-lustrous;
lower leaves yellow-brown, sheaths tan; sepals
light red below, »each above; lateral petals same,
with revolute margins; lip cream white with brown
border and purple bands in the center; column
cream white with purple spots and yellow tinge
at .base; pleasant hyacinth-like odor; long creep-
ing rhizome up to 2m in loose litter.
“Campamento Frontera VI", (Lat. 9°30‘ N, Long. 73 06* W), on tepuf-llke
sandstone rld§e 4 x 0.5—1 km running E - W, east of the international
border, between the headwaters of Rfo del Norte and the southernmost
brahch of Rfo Aricuaisa;	Distrito Perlja, Estado Zulla; ca.
2k00 m elev..
Paul E. Berry Mo. ] 2 5	23-28 July 1971*
ExploraclSn raallzada an cooparaclfin con la DlracclSn da Frontara dal Miniatario da Ralaclonaa