Hernandia moerenhoutiana Guill.

  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Futuna Area Council

  • Locality

    Futuna Island. Just E of Isia village (Herald Bay), near start of trail to Mission Bay.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 132 m. (433 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -19.5187, 170.21

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden: NY
Vanuatu National Herbarium; pvnh
The Flora of Vanuato
Hernandia moerenhoutiana Guillem.
Well branched tree, 15 m tall. Growing in agroforest
area along trail. Flowers white. DNA, Digital image
Duplicates: 6
Gregory M. Plunkett, #4200 December 4, 2017
Tom Ranker, Frazer Alo, Thomas Doro, Sean
Thackurdeen, Namaka Thierry, Andrew Karaywi
Namry, Sam Nauka.
A collaboration of NYBG and PVNH, funded by
the National Science Foundation and The Christensen Fund.
Vanuatu: Tafea Province. Futuna Island. JustE of
Isia village (Herald Bay), near start of trail to Mission
S 19° 31' 07.4"; E170° 12’ 34.9"; 132 m elev.