Remijia pacimonica Standl.

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas,	_
Caracas, Venezuela &	C -f-
Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA
det. J. Steyermark, 1979
VENEZUELA, Territorio Federal Amazonas.
San Carlos de Rio Negro, ca. 20 km S of confluence of Rio Negro
and Brazo Casiquiare; lat. T56'N, long. 67°03'W; altitude 119 m;
^ver^^ijfa^of <jan çar]os on Solano
road. Small tree, infrutescence ca. Im long. Leaves
corrugated between, and parallel to, lateral veins.
Fruit dark brown. Flowers closed, tubular, fleshy, yellow
green outside, cream inside, anthers creamMl(
HowardL.CUrk 6602	14 April jgyglfCnaZOnj.