Juanulloa parasitica Ruiz & Pav.

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    Juanulloa parasitica Ruiz & Pav.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04086773

    Occurrence ID: 68b55256-215e-4568-9376-112275d44acc

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Solanaceae Juanulloa parasitica Ruiz & Pav.
det. M. Nee, 2014
Depto. Cochabamba, Prov. Chapare vie. Hotel Victoria,
on far SW outskirts of Villa Tunari near highway to
Cochabamba, 4.7 km. S of Rio Espiritu Santo bridge and
6.6 km. S of Gumucio bridge over the same river, on road
from Villa Tunari to Cochabamba.
17°00'irS, 65°26,06,,W alt 335 m.
Lowland tropical rainforest and edges, disturbed but still with
some of original canopy trees, with Heliconia rostrata, H.
aemygdiana, H. stricta, Gurania lobata, G. acuminata, G.
eriantha, Piper heterophyllum, Costus scaber.
Same locality and probably the same plant collected on 30 Jan
2006, M. Nee & J. Wen 53966. Hemi-epiphytic shrub on tree
trunk, 3 m. from ground. Branches wide-spreading, to 3 m.
long. Leaves in rosettes along the branches. Inflorescences
pedunculate, hanging, the younger ones on ends of branches
with one cluster of flowers, the older ones further down on the
branches longer (to 45 cm. long) and with several groups of
flowers; calyx light purple, almost like plastic; corolla slightly
arched and held slightly below the horizontal, more greenish
and tinged with the same purple color as the calyx.
Col.: M. Nee & D. Villarroel S. 60860 14marzo2014
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)
Herbario del Oriente Boliviano (USZ)