Mabea excelsa Standl. & Steyerm.

  • Filed As

    Mabea excelsa Standl. & Steyerm.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04071584

    Occurrence ID: d47e1abd-e48b-4b6f-84d3-65abf7c2956e

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Herbarium of U. C. Riverside
Plants of Puntarenas Prov., Costa Rica
Mabea excelsa Standi. & Steyerm.	EUP
Det. by A. C. Sanders & E. J. Lott, 1997
Nicoya Peninsula, Curti. (9°47'N, 84°56'W). Alt.: 90m/300ft.
Semideciduous forest in uplands; evergreen forest in canyons and
wet areas; deciduous forest on exposed bluffs; pasture & orchards
on central flat; mangroves at Rio Curu mouth. This from forest
on a ridge along the Poza Colorada Trail.
A tall tree; collections made from fallen branches due to recent
storm. White latex; three carpels, 1 seed per carpel.
A. C. Sanders, M. Baker, et al 19422	31 July 1996
Entered into UCR Database (191)