Jatropha malacophylla Standl.

  • Filed As

    Jatropha malacophylla Standl.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04069142

    Occurrence ID: cfbc571a-79c7-4741-9bd4-cd4b34132e56

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Herbarium of the University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0322 U.S.A.
Jatropha malacophylla Standley
MEXICO: STATE OF COLIMA: 8 mi WNW of Santiago,
Rd from Manzanio to Puerto Viarta, alt. ca 200m. Dry thorn
scrub woodland with Zamia paucijuga, cucurbits, Bursera
spp. legumes, etc,
Tree to 7 m tall, whitish-gray smooth bark. Leaves trilobed,
pubescent. Latex cloudy, yellow.
Coll. Bijan Dehgan # 86.76
17 Feb 1986
With Fe Almira and Bart Schutzman
Specimen collected from cultivated plants.