Dendrobium densiflorum Lindl.

Critical Notes by B. P. G. Hochreutiner. lf>(-
Name	tP't/l.
7%. 4*. H.VI. .	4 0 ; l/y*/{ £*J. f0}0 ¿Otnr^Jj [/**&.£{•
4>. ). jc?. ¿4*
Plant identical with	**»m_
Named by p~e/^
Indications concerning this specimen in jÙA/O' Jtd* i
JdAMtm. *.
JPed* cfo *?	¿/e4c4
Observations :
^ Herbarium of the late East India Company.
Ko. if
gSAST HIMALAYA.	Herb. Griffith. .
Distributed at the Royal Gardens, Kew. 1863-4