Hevea pauciflora var. coriacea Ducke

  • Filed As

    Hevea pauciflora var. coriacea Ducke

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4067820

    Occurrence ID: 490a0c80-30f0-4881-b086-8af9fffd64f5

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Monogrpah of the Genus Hevea
Hevea paudflora (Spruce ex Benth.J Mueller Argoviensls var.
Cortacea Ducke In Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg, Rio Jan. 2 (1935) 239. *
DeL R. E Schultes
PLANTS OF JHHI____________________________
DeptJU^ffi). £_______________¿ifpE v
__________________Collector, R. J. Seibbrt Date-5^j^tr,16f-XSfr«4& -
H* pauclflera X H. ferasilieiisis
(Heva& baiaiior Duck* )
Jungle tree £0 m, abunaaat* latex pale yellow
mxy weak, auch reals.
Iqultos, Puaeh&na
Collected for: Division of Robber Plant Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and
Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Administration, U. S. Dept of Agriculture.