Hevea benthamiana Müll.Arg.

Monograph of the Genus Hevea
Hevea Benthamiana Mueller-Argoviensis in Linnaea 34
(1865) 204.
Det. R. E. Schultes	No. / 2 2f 3
PLANTAE Colombianae
No. 18283
evea Benthamiana
Flowers: yellow* Height 65 ft*
Rio Negro: San Felipe, and vicinity (below con-
fluence of Rio G-uainfa and Rio Gasiquiare)* Alt-
itude about 600 ft.
General location: Lat 1° 5>0! N,Long* 67° O’ W.
Richard E.D.Baker et sidoro Oabrera
R.E.Schultes et F.L6pez	Nov * 6, 1952*