Diplazium pulicosum (Hook.) T.Moore

  • Filed As

    Diplazium pulicosum (Hook.) T.Moore

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04061076

    Occurrence ID: 54abaf62-0b27-440e-94c2-c1e81d6a9820

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Field Museum of Natural History
Diplazium pulicosu® (Hk.) Moore
Robert G. Stolze	J992
Field Museum of Natural History
No. 1760, Diplazium
Leat to 2.5 ra. long*
Prov. Pichincha. 37 km west of Aloag on road to Santo Domingo
de los Colorados. Steep slopes of wooded quebrada; 0° 28’S,
78°46’W, 2,380 m.
R. G. Stolze, S. H. Stolze & H. Navarrete	8 Feb. 1992
In collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito (QCA)
and Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark (AAU).