Diplazium bombonasae Rosenst.

Field Museum of Natural History
No- 173a. Diplaz ium
Tarrestris.1; on wet bar.ks in s&näy soll,
deep shade.
Prov. Sucumbios. Along Río Shushue, 1 km west of confluence
with Río Aguarico, 3 km. west of bridge at a point 3 km east of
Lumbaqui. Wet forest and quebradas; 0°3’N, 77°20’W, 550 m.
R. G.Stolze & S. H. Stolze	29 Jan. 1992
In collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito (QCA)
and Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, Denmark (AAU).