Euphorbia oxyodonta Boiss.

IHHatlS Mint HMpltaiae D’VtfiT misn no’D-inmsn
DIVISIO BOTANICA	H p ' ] » 13 S H p bH B
146. Euphorbia òxyodonta Boiss. et Mausskn.
in Hausskn. exs. (1867), Boiss. FI. Or. IV (1879), p. 1108.
Phytogeogr. value: A sub-East-Mediterranean species,
penetrating in the Irano-Turanian region.
A segetal and ruderal species also found in natural asso-
ciations; its phytosociological relations are still obscure to us.
In Palestine its ecological requirements are eu-Mediterranean and
it is highly probable that in the Irano-Turanian parts of its area
E. oxyodonta is connected with the Medi ter. enclaves.
A. Eig.
Jerusalem, Talpioth, 20. IV. 1931.
Leg. U Amdursky.