Euphorbia platyacantha Drake
Filed As
Euphorbia platyacantha Drake -
H. Balslev 372, 30 Nov 1974
Tanzania. T6, Kilosa, 17 miles SE of Mbuyuni (Ruaha) at Morogoro-Iringa road.
NY Barcode: 04048318
Occurrence ID: 50141da0-a0ae-4071-abb7-0f763503a690
All Determinations
T6, Kilosa, 17 miles SE of Mbuyuni (Ruaha) at Morogoro-Iringa road
-7.58, 36.75
Location Notes
372: Euphorbia dumeticola Bally & Carter Habitat: Dense stand of this species, together with some few Adansonia digitata, Commiphora sp and other thorn- bushes. Slopes betweeen the road and the river. Soil light brown, sandy and with scattered stones of varying size. Description: The largest tree in the stand 6 m tall. Usually with a single trunk, but sometimes with up to 5 trunks, maybe because the trunk has been cut and side- branches have developed to new trunks. Trunk up to 15 cm in diam. Bark grey, smooth except for lenticels, which give the trunk a warty apperance. The trunk with 4 wings with spines. These wings 1 cm high. At the top of the trunk a crown which may vary in shape from flat ovate (wider than high) to high ovate. Branches falling off on lower parts of the trunk, leafless, exept new shoots which have small scaly leaves on the margin of the wings. Branches green on the apical 2/3 and grey on the basal 1/3. Branches succulent where they are green and woody where they are grey. Branches with 4 wings (one branch seen with 5 wings, but apart form this 4 wings seems to be very constant). On the margin of the wings spines on separate or continous spineshields. Spines slender, of varying length, up to 1 cm long. Spine-pairs 1 cm apart. ' , Flowers with a short stalk, sitting in a cyme, with one flower in the middle and two with a sligthly longer stalk in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the branch. The lateral flowers situated exacly between 2 spines, one from each spine pair in front of, and behind, the flowe- ring eye. Capsules small, very short stalked,3-lobed,^with rounded lobes which fruits ripen inside the flower^tiien bursts and the capsule emerges. Often 1 or 2 of the loci in the capsules are sterile. Seedlings with 4 wings and erect growth to ^r>efore they branch. Branches up to 2 m long., leaving the trunk at a right angle and then curving upwards. Branches 4 cm in diam on basal parts and 2 cm in diam on apical parts. Branches with sidebranches, and sidebranches branching. £**y» Kcfrifrvt t*j ! 4XW Jpin« iwjeri,**v, (Orois ttcWoH Sccfc:.. fUwjr HUrKn. +~bo*<. BOTANISK INSTITUT • AARHUS UN1VERSITET (Herbarium Jutlandicum [AAU], Aarhus, Denmark) ;uphorbiaceae Flora of Tanzania Collected 1974 by Henrik Balslev uphorbia p^atyacantr iG JT NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 04048318 3o.11.1974 Loc * T 6, Kilosa, ca 7-35 S/ 36-45 E., 17 miles SB of Mbuyuni (Ruaha) at Morogoro-Irmga roaa. 04048318
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Euphorbia platyacantha Drake