Euphorbia weberbaueri Mansf.

Plants from Peru
Euphorbia weberbaueri
Departamento Ancash. Prov. Corongo. Road from
Huallanca to Yanac, near Yanac, ca. 2800 m.
Steep rocky slope, apparently seasonally dry,
strongly grazed but with numerous shrubs.
Rockoutcrops with fairly xerophilic vegetation
(succulents, geophytes). Only in steep rock slope
with very shallow soil, very locally distributed in
this area.
Collected 7.3.2001.
M. Weigend, K. Weigend, M. Binder & E.
Rodriguez Nr. 5016 (Ref. Nr. 2001/16, 6)
Collected for the Herbario de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo in
collaboration with the Institut fur Biologie - Systematische Botanik
und Pflanzengeographie, FU Berlin, the Institut für Systematische
Botanik, LMU München and the Herbario San Marcos,
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos