Pontederia cordata var. ovalis (Mart.) Solms

  • Filed As

    Pontederia cordata var. ovalis (Mart.) Solms

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04038062

    Occurrence ID: e487918e-0f70-4081-b8dc-a43b70acad53

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Flora of Bolivia
Family: Pontederiaceae
Pontederia cordata L. var. ovalis (Mart, in
Roemer et Schultes) Solms in DC.
Determined by: N. Ritter (NHA), 1998
Department of Santa Cruz
Province of Nuflo de Chavez
Wetland; ca. 0.5 km northeast of Concepcion.
Elevation: ca. 485 meters. Approximate center of the
collecting area: 16°7'37"S. 62°ri5"W.
Abundant, the dominant plant at
this end of the system. Emergent
along the edges and forming
floating mats over deeper water.
Tepals white with a yellow patch on
the uppermost tepal. No fruits
6/18/98	#4238
Collected by: N. Ritter, G. E. Crow and M. Garvizu.
Hodgdon Herbarium
University of New Hampshire