Euphorbia huanchahana Klotzsch & Garcke

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    Euphorbia huanchahana Klotzsch & Garcke

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04029929

    Occurrence ID: 8e05bd86-aa99-490d-ac95-c2988ec7c453

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The New York Botanical Garden
Survey of Poisonous Plants in Cajamarca (Peru)
No. 228	Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbia huanchachana (Klotzsch & Garcke) Boiss.
det. I. Sanchez-Vega
Peru. Cajamarca, Mun. Celendin: Challuallacu; 60 km
on the road Cajamarca-Celendin. 07002’00"S,
78°13’29"W. Alt. 3420 m. Rocky slopes. Jalca vegetation
(Asteraceae, Poaceae).
Perennial herb, 10-20 cm. tall. Tuberous root 20 cm. long
or more, 2-5 cm. diam. Produce a white-yellowish latex.
Locally common. Toxic.
N.V.: Michoacan [Spanish]
O. L. Orozco & I. Sanchez-Vega
26 Nov 2000