Hypolepis parallelogramma (Kunze) C.Presl

  • Filed As

    Hypolepis parallelogramma (Kunze) C.Presl

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4014685

    Occurrence ID: fe3a158a-9490-4c47-8787-78d4002799ae

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Systematics of Hypolepis
Hypolepis parallelogramma (Kunze) C. Presi
Pedro Schwartsburd, 2018 (VIC)
No. 12765
Hypolepis parallelogramma (Kunze) Presi
det. A.R. Smith 1982
ESTADO PORTUGUESA: 50 km west north west of
Guanare by air. 15-17 km north of Chabasquén. Cloud
forest. Alt. 1300-1500 m. 9°28'N, 69°55'W.
Ronald Liesner,	15 March 19S2
Angel González, Basil Stergios & Gerardo Aymard
Distributed by the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Instituto
Botánico (Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales
Renovables). Field work supported by NSF (United States) and
CONICIT (Venezuela).