Navarretia leptalea (A.Gray) L.A.Johnson

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    Navarretia leptalea (A.Gray) L.A.Johnson

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03993374

    Occurrence ID: 79f3e284-954e-4340-b46a-54d90d3737ab

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Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Alpine County, California, USA
Gilia leptalea ssp. bicolor Mason & A. Grant	PLM
Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: Woods Lake Road, 0.1 mile
south of its junction with CA-88 (Caples Lake 7.5* Q.:
38°41'57"N, 120o01'01 "W, ±1000m). Alt.: 2457m/8060ft.
Pine/fir forest with meadow openings and dense stands of Wyethia
Locally abundant in open dry area and at edge of roadside ditch.
G.K. Helmkamp 13793	16 Jul 2008
wI E.A. Helmkamp
Entered into UCR Database (13206GKHe )