Nasturtium officinale R.Br.

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Hants of Alpine County, California, USA
Rorippa nasturtium-aiquaticum (L.) Hayek	BRA
Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains: Carson River road, 0.4 mile
east of its west junction with CA-88 (Woodfords 7.5’ Q.:
38°47'03"N, 119°48l42',W,±1000m). Alt.: 1713m/5620ft.
Sagebrush scrub with granitic outcrops and scattered pines.
Locally abundant; growing in a willow-lined, wet (fitch with
Castillejaminiata,Lotus pinnatus, Platanthera leucostachys, and
Mimulus cardinalis.
G.K. Helmkamp 13897	22 Jul 2CX)8
w/ E A. Helmkamp
Entered into UCR Database (13306GKHe>