Chaenactis fremontii A.Gray

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Chaenactis fremontii Gray	~	AST,
Det. by A.C. Sanders, 2011.
Trans verse Range; S an Gabriel Mtns ,/Westem Mojave Desert:
Carr Canyon, 03-l .0 mi. east of Little Rock Creek confluence
(Palmdale 7.5’ Q.: 34>30'14"N, 118°00¥4-9',W,'±1000m; T5N
R11W S22). Alt.: 945-963m/3100-3160ft. Broad wash bottom,
low adjacent relief; creosote bush scrub and Joshua tree woodland
with Tetradymia glabrata, Juniperus californica, Ephedra
nevadensis, Encelia actoni, Hytnenoclea salsola, Salazaria
\mexicana, Yucca brevifdlia, Larrea tridentata, Quercus
Abundant annual; fls. white.
R.G, Swinney 10609	29 Apr 2009
Entered into UCR Database (69318UCR1)